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Tuesday, March 21, 2023


My only aunt had a dream in 2017. In her dream someone told her , you have six years. At the time she didn't understand what it meant. She wrote down her dream in her journal. At the beginning of this year,  she was diagnosed with Leukemia. In a matter of a few weeks, she became total invalid, relying on her only sister and a caregiver, leading to her passing away. The family got together to pack her personal things soon after, and I got to bring her belongings home. A few nights ago, I was going through her things and found her journal where she had written several dreams she'd had over the years and found the one from 2017. Exactly as in her dream, six years to 2023, she passed away. I believe some dreams are to prepare us for a future, others to warn us. God speaks in many ways, because we are his children. If only we take time from our busy life and LISTEN to him speak!

Sunday, December 11, 2022

God's Gentleness

 David in Psalm 18:35 wrote, “thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great.” David had full recognition of the vast mercies provided by the Lord. The provisions, protection, and empowerments were full contemplations and gentle manifestations of a righteous and sovereign God. As we inspect our own lives, we can see that the Lord’s gentleness has indeed made all the difference. 

The gentleness of our God has the attributes of love, grace, mercy as well as judgment. He can exercise each office concurrently while at the same time not neglecting any of the other attributes. Certainly, God would have been justified in allowing the enemies of David to prevail against him as judgment for his indiscretions. He was an adulterer, murderer, and bad father.
Yes,  he was punished for the consequences of his sins, but the providence of our Lord had a greater eternal plan for the life of David. His testimony was one of a lowly shepherd boy who was most unlikely to wear the most powerful crown in the world. He was anointed and trained for over ten years before he was fully equipped, however, to reign over the land. The patience of this process exhibited God’s gentleness as David was not thrusted into the position prior to the “fullness of time.”

Chad Napier

Sunday, June 26, 2022



Dejemos de juzgarnos y evaluarnos porque esto no nos  corresponde. Sobre todo, no nos comparemos con otras personas. Hacerlo produce sentimientos de orgullo o inferioridad; y, a veces, una mezcla de ambos. Comparar no solo es un error sino que también es algo absurdo.

No busquemos aprobación en el sitio equivocado: nuestras propias evaluaciones o las de otras personas. La única fuente de verdadera afirmación es mi amor incondicional. 
Dice Dios; 
Yo morí por tus pecados, de modo que puedo cubrirte con vestiduras de salvación. Así es como te veo: radiante en mi manto de justicia. Cuando te disciplino, nunca lo hago enojado o con disgusto; es para prepararte para que puedas tener una relación cara a cara conmigo por toda la eternidad. Sumérgete en mi amorosa Presencia. Sé receptivo a mi consentimiento que fluye constantemente de mi trono de gracia. 
Ese es el Dios que nos espera cada dia al despertar por las mañanas. Uno que nos mira con amor y orgullo, a pesar de nuestras faltas!