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Saturday, October 5, 2013

" L-O-N-E-L-I-N-E-S-S "

"Hear my voice when I call , O Lord; be merciful to me and answer me.  My heart says of you, " Seek his face ! " Your face, Lord, I will seek.  Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, O God my Savior. Though my father and mother forsake me,  the Lord will receive me. Psalm 27:7-10. [  LIKE fatigue, like hunger, loneliness is very much part of being human.  Fatigue ,we cure it by sleep and hunger by eating, but how do we handle loneliness? There were women in the Bible who were not strangers to periods of loneliness . For example; Mary, during her pregnancy ; Ruth, disconsolated in Moab ; Esther, in a pagan harem ; Hannah, childless for years in a culture where barrenness was a disgrace. In his crowded adult life, there were times when Jesus chose to be alone . He needed to nourish his soul in communion with his Father.[Luke 5.16] He experienced both isolation and alienation. He found sustenance with his closest disciples- Peter, James and John- and in the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Even in the most happiest marriages, or the closest friendships , and the most satisfying child-parent relationship is unpredictable. Although  God made us unique individuals, our Father knows the best way to fill each one's empty places. He knows our deepest longings, he'll never replace us with someone he likes better, he promises never to leave us totally alone.  He is the only one who  will be our unfailing companion on our journey in life. May we allow God's presence always, not only in our lonely space, but every moment of our life ! Blessings

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Creer , que le hay

Cuando hablo de fe, me mente se remonta en Hebreos 11. Esa era la fe de los patriarcas. Dice desde el versiculo 11.. " Por la fe tambien la misma Sara , siendo esteril, recibio fuerza para concebir, y dio a luz aun en su vejez." Moises, dejo a Egipto , y  los deleites temporales del pecado, teniendo por mayor riqueza el vituperio de Cristo que los tesoros de los egipcios. Por fe Israel paso por el Mar Rojo como tierra seca . Por fe los muros de Jerico cayeron despues de rodearlos siete dias. Por fe se conquistaron reinos, hicieron justicia, alcanzaron promesas, taparon bocas de leones, apagaron fuegos impetuosos, evitaron filo de espada, sacaron fuerzas de debilidad, se hicieron fuertes en batallas..... La fe y la obediencia caminan juntas, son inseparables , como tambien la incredulidad y la desobediencia (3:18-19) y (3:36). Aun cuando no veamos todas las promesas de Dios cumplidas , hay que creer , perseverar en la fe . El cumplira su promesa  en nuestra vida de acuerdo con su voluntad . Creer a Dios , es creer que le hay, y que es galardonador de los que le buscan !!!     Bendiciones