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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Walking again

 Through the years I wasn't one to take care of my health. Maybe like some, I never thought I'd live long enough to regret it. I had a doctor's appointment recently and they did a EKG. And it show that I was having a heart attack. They wanted to send me to the ER right away, but I told them no. True I had been seeing signs of a troubled heart for some time, but I figured it'd go away. I came home. That night I felt worse. Thank God my eighty seven year old mother lives with me and she's a woman of prayer. I asked her to pray for me, which she did. We prayed and prayed until I felt better. I hadn't been able to walk more than a few steps without feeling out of breath and pain in the last few months, yet the following morning I went out the door and started walking. Every step I took, I thanked God for my life, healing and the fact that I was able to walk again with strength. I am doing what I couldn't do in months...walk. I have heard people who've had near death experience say; " My life has changed "  Well my life has changed!!  Every step I take is a great feeling, it reminds me that night in mom's room praying together, believing for healing. Now I am more than ready to do changes in my life.....