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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

El Fin se acerca?

“…Porque vendrán muchos en mi nombre, diciendo: Yo soy el Cristo; y a muchos engañarán. Y oiréis de guerras y rumores de guerras; mirad que no os turbéis, porque es necesario que todo esto acontezca; pero aún no es el fin. Porque se levantará nación contra nación, y reino contra reino; y habrá pestes, y hambres, y terremotos en diferentes lugares. Y todo esto será principio de dolores...” (Mateo 24:5-8)

El panorama que se nos presenta a nivel mundial no puede ser peor, pues las guerras, el terrorismo imperante, la violencia y los desastres naturales cuya ocurrencia cada vez es más devastadora, nos mantienen en una constante zozobra y la oración más ferviente de los que creemos es “Señor depáranos un mejor mañana”.
Lo más reciente en materia de desastres nos llega como noticia triste desde Ecuador, pero bien pudiera ser una catástrofe de la que no está exento ningún otro país del mundo, pues la Biblia nos enseña que los tiempos que anteceden al fin estarán caracterizados por todos estos fenómenos.
Los que hemos creído que nuestras vidas están escondidas con Cristo en Dios, tenemos una esperanza, pero no debemos olvidar que más devastador que los eventos que se vienen sucediendo, es la apostasía y el ateísmo práctico(ser cristianos, pero vivir como si Dios no existiera), que se viene observando en el mundo evangélico, por lo que estar apercibidos y apercibiendo a nuestro prójimo, de que estamos a la puerta de un evento espiritual único, tiene que ser una verdad a proclamar, y un reto para perseverar por todos aquellos que formamos el pueblo de Dios, pues nuestro día nadie lo sabe.
Lo importante por ahora es prepararnos para que sea por la causa que sea, cuando tengamos que partir de este mundo, podamos decirle a nuestro rey: “Señor, al menos intenté alcanzar la santidad.-F Medina
Preparemonos como si Cristo viniera mañana y trabajemos para engrandecer su reino como si no viniera nunca! Vivamos como a EL le agrada:))

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Caught in the Storm

Have you ever been caught in a storm? Stormy weather can cause some very intense feelings and reactions in us.
In Matthew 14:22-33 is the story of Peter walking on the water. To set the scene, a storm came up while the disciples were in a ship and they were afraid when they saw Jesus walking on the water toward them. Jesus told them Who He was and then Peter, one of the disciples walked on the water too--well, at first. When Peter looked around and saw the storm, he was afraid.

Maybe you are in a storm in your life too. It's natural to be afraid. Here's Peter, one of the disciples who learned at Jesus' feet and even he was afraid, but look what it says in Matthew 14:31 after Peter began to sink and called out to Christ. 
And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him,
and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

Did you notice that? Jesus caught Peter and was with him until they were come to the ship. It doesn't say that Jesus stopped the storm and then they went to the ship. It says that when they reached the ship, that the wind ceased. Sometimes we are going to have to go through the storm. Sometimes the Lord will take the storm away, but other times we have to weather it out. Aren't you glad that Jesus is there to weather it out with us?

Jesus knew His disciples were going to be in that boat when the storm came up....Just as He knows our own storms.  He sent them there. We may question why the Lord tells us to do something or where He has sent us, or even the things that we have to deal with because it may not be smooth sailing. We may question why the Lord is causing storms in our lives when all we want to do is to serve Him and obey Him. This story shows me that sometimes we can be right where God wants us--right where He told us to go--right in the center of His will and we can still have some storms come up. What we can take comfort in is the fact that the Lord knows all about those storms and He's there with us through them. Now this makes me a happy woman , to know we don't ever have to walk alone, either it be on our sunny days or stormy nights!- JB