Friday, October 22, 2010
Just What I Needed
Right after we got married,I got with child, it was not planned but we were still happy.Everyone was hoping for a boy,,to me , it didn't matter.Around the 7th.month, I had a dream; I saw a picture of a couple with a small boy,and the little boy looked just like his father.It was a sign to me that I would have a son and he would look just like his dad. My mother would make comments about how she hoped that wouldn't happen, but the time came when I gave birth to my son,and just as in my dream, he looked just like his father. My mom would hold him and say poor baby, he looks just like his dad, to me he was my adorable son. Some years later his father and I divorced and I kept our three children which wasn't easy. My two daughters married young and only my son stayed with me. He became my strong arm,he has been with me through thick and thin, together we have faced hardships but also abundance.God has given me just what I needed,,a son who would stand by me with loyalty,respect and love. My mother adores my son, he has all the grace of God in him ,that's the only explanation I have.
No Time
Since reaching 50,I told myself that I would live to be 90 and die of old age. I love life with a passion I didn't know I had, I said; thank you God for the years you have blessed me . Speaking to him lately I have told him that if for some reason He decided to give me less years then what I wanted,,it was OK. As a young woman full of life,I never thought about reaching fifty,it seemed like a lifetime later,so I never worried. Then one day ,, here I was facing later and I saw something wonderful, yet scary at the same time,I was much older but happy to see my second generation,,scary because as I got older life was becoming a thin thread.I had to speak to myself now, or forever hold my peace.So I told myself,,you dream of a long life,who doesn't,,,but the truth is;that's something God decides .Whatever his decisions are,,will be the best for me,so live one day at a time,as if the last,tell your children often how much you love them,and do the things you were afraid to do, make peace with those that hurt you and let it go.I even made peace with myself,,I forgave me for all the mistakes I had made and finally I said;there's no time like today,just in case there is no tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Dios Cuida de Mi
Recordaba esta noche un incidente que paso hace dos a~nos,iba manejando mi vehiculo ,cuando me aproximaba a detenerme en un semaforo rojo.Un carro se me adelanto,parecia que iba de prisa y yo en ese momento me enoje porque yo seria la primera en arrancar tan pronto la luz se pusiera verde, sin embargo el otro vehiculo fue el primero en llegar a la luz.Cuando la luz se puso verde el carro que me habia rebazado arranco,y en ese mismo momento una troca con mucha velocidad se pasaba la luz roja, dando contra el vehiculo en frente de mi.Yo me quede pasmada, pensando que si yo hubiera sido el primer vehiculo en arrancar, yo hubiera sido la que habria sufrido un terrible accidente.Nada es una casualidad en esta vida y menos en la de un creyente,Dios cuido de mi,,,de eso no hay duda!!!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Existe Dios?
Siempre pense que la vida me habia robado mi juventud, y que de ni~na habia pasado a ser adulta. Mi madre de crianza me habia privado de casi toda mi libertad desde una temprana edad,por lo tanto renege de esa etapa de mi vida por mucho tiempo. Pasados los a~nos y con muchas experiencias buenas y malas fue que comenze a apreciar aquellos a~nos que mi madre me habia ense~nado a respetar a Dios a cualquier precio,y respetarme a mi misma,lecciones que aun llevo dentro de mi como cinta de pelicula.Entiendo que la juventud es una etapa dificil, llena de rebeldia ,inseguridades he inmadurez,que si por fortuna logra sobrevivir sin ser escaldada por el mundo exterior, seria solo porque hubo dos factores importantes que se unieran para ense~nar,dirijir y protejer, es decir;Dios ,nuestro Padre Celestial y nuestros padres aqui en la tierra .Ahora que he vivido para conocer a mis nietos, puedo pasarles a ellos mis experiencias propias cuando me preguntan sobre temas de noviazgo,amistades,la iglesia y Dios.
Existe Dios?
Durante mi ni~nez, creo que a la edad de cinco a~nos,tuve mi primera experiencia con Dios. Parecera cosa increible pero lo vivi,y nada que ver con alguna ense~nanza de padres .Como cualquier ni~no en su inocencia,yo creia ya en un Dios que me amaba,cuidaba,y sanaba, solo que aun no habia tenido una experiencia de fe.Dios premia a los que creen en el,,eso no lo sabia entonces; hasta que un dia con un dolor fuerte en la cabeza que me hacia llorar,rehuzando todo exepto una oracion de papa,en que me uni con el y crei que Dios responderia.Mi fe dio a luz una sanidad instantanea,desde entonces nada ha cambiado, pues ese fue solo el principio de muchas experiencias y sanidades.Podra el hombre menguar,cambiar de mente,he incluso olvidar,,,,Dios nunca se olvida de lo que creo, nosotros somos hechura de el; a imagen y semejanza de el ,,nos hizo.Dice las Escrituras; podra la madre olvidarse de lo que dio a luz?? Aunque ella se olvide,,dice DIOS ;Yo no me olvidare.
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